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How Pheromones Work to Attract Women

All the old jokes about being able to "bottle" sex appeal turn out to have a basis in reality. Recently scientists discovered how to isolate and concentrate the chemical-hormonal substances -- called pheromones -- that create sexual attraction in humans. It's now possible to wear pheromones and put out their invisible sexy signals at will.

How Pheromones Work

The effect of pheromones has been very well studied. They cause an instinctual, almost automatic sexual response, which scientists call a "releaser" effect. Each person has a unique "odor print" that's just as individual as fingerprints, created by compounds released from the sebaceous glands, sweat glands and other glands. Among the chemicals and compounds released are pheromones, which drift into our companion's nasal passage and stimulate specialized receptors. Scientists are still studying the receptors to determine whether the "vomeronasal organ" is devoted to exclusively to sensing pheromones, or whether pheromone receptors are part of a more complex system along with olfactory receptors in the nasal passage.

The two compounds that are most widely recognized as pheromones are androstadienone (AND) and estratetraenol (EST). AND is a derivative of testosterone and EST is a relative of estrogen. Scientists have shown that the chemicals change brain patterns as detected by EEGs, functional MRIs, and PET scans, and induce mood changes. That evidence is consistent with what pheromones would do.

Attract Women

Synthesized versions of these compounds can be even more potent and effective than one's natural "odor print" mainly because people do so much to obliterate any trace of natural odor and sweat. In today's society, our showering, deodorizing, cologne-applying and almost sterile approach to cleanliness keep our natural pheromones from doing their job.

That's why the idea of concentrated pheromones makes so much sense. The trick is finding a good source of genuine pheromones to attract women, not just diluted or even fake preparations making claims.

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NexusPheromones is a blend of seven human pheromone compounds that mimic the pheromone scent of attractive, healthy, fertile men amplified a thousand times over so that it can be quickly yet subconsciously detected by women you're speaking with. NexusPheromones delivers the essential chemical-hormonal elements to subtly yet unmistakably communicate your masculine power. You just apply NexusPheromones onto your pulse points - you can even blend with your existing aftershave if you wish. NexusPheromones has been formulated with reference to over 12 years of cumulative pheromone research, including input from the award-winning human sex pheromone scientist James Vaughn Kohl.

NexusPheromones is a great product used to attract women all over the world!